So after that I knew I had to re install as not even the internet was working. The main reason I did this was because while trying to replaced TOOLBOX utility (most symlinks in /system/bin are handled by toolbox) for BUSYBOX (installed by an app in /system/xbin), I got messed up and all the C Binaries got screwed, the SUID bit was reset and because of that I could not even do a simple list of files/directories (ls) as I was getting an error saying: ls: is not an executable: magic 7f45 I take the opportunity to say that I went back to the Bluestacks stock installation and I just installed Google Play Store. But as the previous post stated is located at the root of C: drive. I kinda got used to setup Windows_Explorer to see hidden files and folders, otherwise I had never realized that ProgramData is a hidden folder.